Dr Herman Viviers

Associate Professor, North-West University, South Africa (Researcher)

Herman Viviers

Dr Viviers is an Associate Professor in Taxation at the North-West University, South Africa. He is a qualified Chartered Accountant (CA(SA)) with the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA). He is a Member of the Southern African Accounting Association (SAAA) and has served on the SAAA National Executive Committee from 2019 to 2022 managing the portfolio: Accounting Education and Teaching & Learning. Dr Viviers is currently the Subject-Head for Taxation across the three campuses of North-West University. He teaches “Legal Planning, Taxation and Compliance” on the Post-Graduate Diploma in Accounting (PGDA)/CTA in the Chartered Accountancy (CA) Programme and “Advanced Taxation: Complex Aspects of Taxation and Tax Administration” on the Honours level of the Financial Accounting (FA) Programme. He has supervised numerous Magister Studies in South African and International Taxation and supervises PhD studies in Accounting Education. Dr Viviers acts as technical reviewer of a nationally prescribed Tax Textbook in South Africa. He is also closely involved in setting, moderating and reviewing professional body qualifying exams and assessments for both SAICA and the South African Institute of Taxation (SAIT). 

Dr Viviers has received numerous teaching excellence awards. These include an Institutional Teaching Excellence Award from the North-West University, an award as the Best Lecturer on the Potchefstroom campus of the North-West University and the Vice-Chancellors Prestigious Award for Teaching Excellence as the Best Lecturer between the 15 Faculties of all three the campuses of the North-West University. He also received a Commendation Award from the Higher Education Leaning and Teaching Association of South Africa (HELTASA) and the South African Council on Higher Education (CHE) as part of the South African National Excellence in Teaching and Learning Awards. 

Dr Viviers conducts research in Taxation and Accounting Education. He has authored and co-authored various articles published in both South African and International Research Journals. He also published various articles in Scientific Popular Magazines and Journals such as the TaxTalk Journal, Accountancy SA and the Tax Chronicles. He has presented numerous conference papers and has published in numerous accredited conference proceedings. He has also been awarded with Best Paper Awards for research papers presented at both South African and International Research Conferences. He has co-authored a chapter in a South African research book titled: “South African Accounting Education Stocktake” that was published in 2020.