Creatively Reimagining the Future of Business Education and Research – A Global Dialogue

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We are a community of researchers and educators pursuing research in accounting education, teaching excellence, inclusive student engagement, sustainability, and business education futures.

If you have any questions or suggestions about any of our projects, please contact me Prof N. Gulko via

Our projects

Student voices on teaching excellence

Student Voices on Teaching Excellence

The dynamics of HEIs are changing with the increased expectations of students for their educational learning experiences. This project illustrates how business students conceptualise teaching excellence based on the student voice collected in developing and developed countries.

Funded by AICPA&CIMA

Rethinking teaching excellence

Rethinking Teaching Excellence

A deeper understanding and clarity on what teaching excellence means for students would allow for enhancing teaching practices and, as a result, improve student engagement, enhance the students learning experience, and assist further in developing employability and life skills.

Funded by AICPA&CIMA

Teaching excellence awards

Teaching Excellence Awards

The study provides insights into the students’ perceptions of the importance of an educator holding a teaching award. Comprehensive universal criteria based on student voice can be used or adapted by HEIs and professional bodies informing the development of awards criteria internally.

Funded by AICPA&CIMA

Practice-oriented teaching

Practice-oriented Teaching

Real-world applications enable students to compare and contrast theory to actual practice, leading to a smoother transition to the workplace. The findings will benefit accounting educators wanting to develop practical teaching skills and to curriculum developers designing module content.

Funded by AICPA&CIMA

The role of gender in teaching excellence

The Role of Gender in Teaching Excellence

This project provides a deeper insight on the role of gender in assessing teaching excellence based on a multidimensional framework of personal qualities, classroom characteristics, and competencies and attributes of an excellent teacher, revealing cross discipline and cross-country comparisons by gender.

Funded by AICPA&CIMA

The role of language in student perceptions of teaching excellence

The Role of Language in Teaching Excellence

This study provides insights on how the language of instruction influences students’ learning experiences and perceptions of teaching excellence. It also explores the impact of the number of spoken languages on students’ perceptions of teaching excellence.

PRME – Principles for Responsible Management Education

PRME – Principles for Responsible Management Education

With purpose to vision sustainable futures, build skill capacity, and inspire to take meaningful action on sustainability within business curricula design, this future-led research facilitates interdisciplinary conversations on modelling creative solutions, innovation and imagining business education futures. 

Inclusive student engagement

Inclusive Student Engagement

With student profiles and their preferred engagement methods changing continually, educators need to reconsider student engagement methods to remain innovative, inclusive, and deliver effective learning experiences. The project develops an effective framework of inclusive student engagement that speaks globally and contextualises locally.

Funded by QAA  

Sustainability in Accounting and Finance

Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) short course, delivered by industry practitioners and leading sustainability experts, for students globally to gain practical awareness of sustainability and environmental management skills in a multi-cultural environment.

Teaching Excellence: A South African Perspective

Teaching Excellence:
A South African Perspective

Teaching excellence requires continuous reflection upon the teaching and learning approaches followed and strategies applied. Student voice plays an imperative role to inform such reflections.  This project investigates teaching excellence variables from a unique South African context.

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